"Life is the movie you see through your own eyes. It makes little difference what's happening out there. It's how you take it that counts." (Dennis Waitley)

If your subject's eyes are visible, they should be tack-sharp in 99% of all situations. There's probably 1% of times when you can break this rule, but I can't think of a single example at the moment -- that's how rare it is for a good photograph to have blurred eyes visible.
Recognize anyone in the photo? Here's a few hints. There are 14 birds and a mammal, a fish, a reptile and an amphibian. Among the birds there are three different owls, a hawk, a falcon and a hummingbird. Some of these are pretty hard. If you can identify half, then you're doing pretty good. If you get more then half, you are a biologist -- go back to work.
Give up yet? Answers below.
From top left to bottom right: Harris' Hawk, unidentified fish, White-winged Dove, black-tailed prairie dog, Scrub Jay, lizard, Costa's Hummingbird, Great-horned Owl, parrot, Screech Owl, Barn Owl, Black-necked Stilt, Band-tailed Pigeon, female Cardinal, Prairie Falcon, frog.
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